MM: In what ways is At Night We Walk in Circles relevant to your own experience?
DA: As much as the content of the book is me — aspects of the plot are riffs on my own life and my family’s life — the book itself is even more relevant to me as a human because writing the book was a period of my life. When you spend seven years on a book, your life circumstances change in the process, you change in the process. So I would say that all my books are relevant to my experience but probably not in ways that you would think.
MM: You write in both English and Spanish — what’s the difference in voice?
DA: I was raised in the U.S. and attended school here from kindergarten on, so obviously my English is better. My Spanish is good, but as I don’t have academic Spanish, the voice is a bit sparer. I don’t have the ability to say ornate things — I have an idea and have to refine it and figure out how I can say it, and sometimes those limitations shift the idea just slightly. It’s like writing with every other page pulled out of the dictionary. Luckily most of the Spanish I traffic in is on the radio, so it’s more colloquial, like I’m telling a story to a friend. I’m comfortable in that register.
MM: Is there a common element that informs your wide range of work as a novelist, long-form fiction writer and radio journalist?
DA: There’s a Spanish word, narrador, which is different from any English word for “writer” — it’s more all-encompassing. I work in stories, and I really like to listen. Even when I’m writing novels, I’m listening very carefully. I know I’m the one creating the ideas, I’m not a schizophrenic, but there is an internal listening aspect that is kind of a controlled schizophrenia.
MM: At Night We Walk in Circles is the 2015 One Book One Marin selection. What part of the partnership are you most excited about?
DA: I’m always excited to have people read my work. You spend so much time alone, in your own head, not engaging, and when people ask you what you do and you say, “I’m a novelist,” the next question is inevitably, “Have you written anything I would have read?” Now I can say, “Well, do you live in Marin?”
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