MM: Is there a shift in tone between Somebody’s Someone and Someone Has Led This Child to Believe?
RL: Yes. I feel the tone was more confessional in my first memoir, laying out the occurrences in such a way as to tell on the people who failed to care for me in the ways they’d signed up for, and tell on myself for the not-so-desirable ways in which I responded to the adverse experiences that seemed to plague my growing-up years.
MM: What is one thing that you believe every American should know about the U.S. foster care system?
RL: I want people to know that the U.S. foster care system is a business, and like every business built upon the values of capitalism, foster care is a for-profit business. It is run on an annual budget of $65 billion a year. And yet, still, every year in California alone, 20,000 young people age out with no place to go, no skills to rely on and no one to call home.
MM: What is one thing you would like to tell a child who is currently living within the system?
RL: Learn how to make the system, your experiences in it and your attitudes about it your own. Be creative in your endeavors; the sky is the limit. Ask for 100 percent of what you dream of from your social worker and find ways to make her/him say yes to your ask. The system is a business; learn the secrets of it, and use it to your advantage.
MM: In your opinion, what is the inherent value of people sharing their stories, whatever they may be?
RL: From the day I decided to make that “pact with God” (I was 11 years old) that should I be beaten — yet again — that it would be a sign from Him to leave the only home I’d known, I knew that I had something in me worth protecting, holding on to and worthy of a chance. The day I ran, I promised to one day tell my story. I knew the way I was being reared was not based on right and loving action. I not only knew this, but I had a strong felt-sense about it. Having our say and telling our stories are actions that are validating for the preservation of selfhood. It’s the one thing we have that no one can take from us.
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Reviews by Book Passage Marketing Manager Zack Ruskin.