SchoolsRule Marin Raises 400K for Public School Support

Mary Jane Burke talks to crowd at SchoolsRule event.
Tamara Ressler, Alicia Ncho-Oguie, Jean-Denis Ncho-Oguie, John Carroll and Susan Mathews at SchoolsRule event.
Mary Jane Burke, Barbara and Charlie Goodman at SchoolsRule event.
Ann Sapp, Stephanie Plante, Elisabeth Bufurd, Deborah Goldman at SchoolsRule event.
John Carroll speaks at a podium at the SchoolsRule event.
Barbara Goodman, Brennie and Larry Brackett, Charlie Goodman at SchoolsRule event.
Melinda MacKaben, Jackie Broad at SchoolsRule event.
Centerpieces for the event and sponsor signs for SchoolsRule event.
Richard Garman, Johnna Coats, Sydney Joyner at SchoolsRule event.
Ray and Carla Kaliski of Harbor Point Charitable Foundation at SchoolsRule event.
Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Deborah Goldman and Sarah Canson at SchoolsRule event.
Mary Jane Burke
1- Tamara Ressler, Alicia Ncho-Oguie, Jean-Denis Ncho-Oguie, John Carroll, Susan Mathews
2 - Mary Jane Burke, Barbara and Charlie Goodman
4 - Ann Sapp, Stephanie Plante, Elisabeth Bufurd, Deborah Goldman
John Carroll Speaking
Barbara Goodman, Brennie and Larry Brackett, Charlie Goodman - Melinda MacKaben
Melinda MacKaben, Jackie Broad - Melinda MacKaben
Centerpieces for the event and sponsor signs
Richard Garman, Johnna Coats, Sydney Joyner - Melinda MacKaben
Ray and Carla Kaliski, Harbor Point Charitable Foundation - Melinda MacKaben
Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Deborah Goldman and Sarah Canson - Melinda MacKaben
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SchoolsRule Marin, a nonprofit that unifies the many public school foundations throughout the county, held its annual fundraiser at the Corinthian Yacht Club on Sept. 7. 

The event raised $400,000, which will go towards fostering important programs in the arts, technology, literacy and wellness in all of Marin’s public schools. Marin County Superintendent of Schools John Carroll, Marin County Superintendent emerita Mary Jane Burke and other advocates of Marin’s public school system were among the 200 supporters in attendance. 

Student Speaker Elliana Rivera stands at a podium for a SchoolsRule fundraiser while her peers clap behind her.
Corinthian Yacht Club - Youth in Arts 'Til Dawn SchoolsRule event.
Student Speaker Elliana Rivera sings at a SchoolsRule fundraiser. Her group is behind her singing as well.
Student Speaker Elliana Rivera
Corinthian Yacht Club - Youth in Arts 'Til Dawn
Student speaker Eliiana Rivera singing
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Elliana Rivera, a senior at Archie Williams High School, gave an inspirational keynote address about her artistic and emotional journey during the last 13 years as the product of Marin’s public schools and the support she specifically received from programs supported by SchoolsRule Marin. 

The event was catered by the Corinthian Yacht Club along with a full bar. Wines were provided by Thirty-Seven Wines and Oro Puro Vineyards

Sponsor image featuring sponsors such as Bank of Marin, Kaiser and more.

The Miller Creek Alumni Jazz Band provided soulful tunes during the reception with spectacular views of the bay and Golden Gate.  During dinner, guests were enthralled by the melodic notes of Youth in Arts’ incredible acapella group, Til’ Dawn. 

SchoolsRule Marin thanks its presenting sponsor, Redwood Credit Union, for its continued support; plus platinum sponsors, Bank of Marin, Kaiser Permanente and Marin Sanitary Service and gold sponsor, Brayton Purcell LLP.

To learn more about SchoolsRule Marin, or to make a donation, please visit

Photos: Desire to Inspire Studios 

A freelance writer in Marin who writes about family, kids and parenting, Glass is the mother to one son, one dog and a hamster named Miss Geri. When she’s not writing, trekking up steep hills in Marin or driving her kid to sports practice, she and her family spend time in their tiny cabin in Lake Tahoe. She avidly supports the California Academy of Sciences, a world class science museum and research institution, and the Institute on Aging which provides much needed services to Bay Area seniors and disabled adults. Glass is obsessed with baking the perfect loaf of banana bread, something she makes so often she no longer needs to look at a recipe card.