3 Local Measures to Consider This November


On November 5 residents will have the opportunity to vote on candidates for local open council seats and local measures, including these below.


To maintain excellent academic programs and high-quality 21st-century education by attracting and retaining highly qualified, experienced teachers; maintaining and enhancing science, technology, engineering and math for all grades; supporting art, music and library programs; and minimizing class size increases, shall a Reed Union School District measure be adopted renewing the existing $589 annual parcel tax, providing $2.5 million annually, for 12 years, with senior exemptions, 3 percent annual adjustments, no money for administrator salaries and funds staying local?


Shall an ordinance be adopted approving an 11-year extension of Fairfax’s special municipal services tax of $195 in the first year and increasing $5 annually to a maximum of $250 for each business occupancy and dwelling unit, raising approximately $711,000 to $912,500 annually, to: keep the local police station open 24/7; maintain/ enhance local fire services and wildfire prevention efforts; fund public works/safety projects; maintain youth/senior programs; and continue the Citizens Oversight Committee?


To restore and provide ongoing maintenance of 93-year-old Memorial Park, including replacing/repairing fields and playground equipment for safety, installing drainage, irrigation systems and new restrooms, improving senior accessibility with safe walkways, and providing picnic areas, benches and shade trees, shall the Town of San Anselmo’s measure authorizing an annual tax of $98 per residential unit, with a senior discount, or per 1,500 square feet of nonresidential use, providing approximately $500,000 annually for 30 years, with independent oversight, be adopted?