In its 11th year, Mark Pitta of Mark Pitta and Friends hosts a unique weekly comedy showcase event in Marin. With a constantly revolving line-up of local and nationally-known comics, you may see a variety of acts any given night. Dana Carvey and the late Robin Williams have frequented the 142 Throckmorton Theatre stage in the past – but it is kept a surprise each week whom will join Mark on stage.
Mark was featured in our November 2014 issue, interviewed by comic Marc Hershon. Find out where Mark likes to hang out when he is not busy hosting the popular comedy night.
If You Go:
Tuesday, March 3
142 Throckmorton Theater
Cost: $17.00 General, $22.00 General Day of Show, $27.00 Reserved.
Adults only. Age 16 and under must be with a parent or guardian.
Food, wine and beverages are available for purchase.