The American Car: A Family Portrait Opening Night Reception

Local, award-winning artist Gale S. McKee knows how important Ford is to the American family. After unearthing several vintage photos at an antique show in 2012, McKee noticed how many of them featured mothers, fathers and siblings posing proudly in front of the family vehicle. “When I process these images I realize how feelings of family pride have always been a constant emotion in human lives,” says McKee. “The only difference here is time, and time flies faster than a green roadster!” The exhibit opens this Friday and runs through January 2, featuring photos that have been digitally transferred to raw fabrics, stretched and painted.

Cruisin’ For Chicks. Vintage photo digitally printed on raw linen and painted with acrylic paint.

Road Trip; Geraldine & Me. Vintage photo digitally printed on raw canvas and painted with acrylic paint.

Slide Over, Baby. Vintage 1940s photo digitally printed on raw linen and painted with acrylic paint.

Wally & Me, Ohio, 1937. Vintage photo digitally printed on raw canvas and painted with acrylic paint.

If You Go:

October 10­, 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Gail Van Dyke Atrium Gallery (Greenbrae)


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