A POETIC MAN ONCE advised that one should “always have something beautiful in sight, even if it’s just a daisy in a jelly glass.” We couldn’t agree more as we see his jelly glass and raise it. Consider adding flair to your rooms with gorgeous glass pieces handcrafted in Northern California.
1. 1. Handblown Giant Pear (18 inches high) by Cohn-Stone Studios, $895 each, 510.234.9690
2. Custom Jelly Lights by Glass Fire Gallery, various sizes starting at $1,000 each, 707.962.9420
3. Stemless wine glasses by Slow Burn Glass, $25 each, 510.832.2007
4. Recycled glass table setting by Fire and Light Originals,
items in image range from $28 to $74, Terrestra, 415.384.8330
5. Palm Frond Platter ($116) and Banana Leaf Bowl ($95 for medium and $147 for large)
by Annieglass at Fig Garden, 415.457.9443 or Ruby Living, 415.381.9095
This article originally appeared in Marin Magazine’s print edition under the headline: “Pass the Glass“.