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Readers Respond

>> More on Bags
Regarding Jim Wood’s POV “Bag the Bags”  (February), here are two ideas for reducing the use of paper and plastic bags: 1.) The first item on your grocery list should be: Bring my reusable canvas bag. 2.) Similar to Whole Foods, all grocery stores should have a note to “Remember to use your reusable bag” on shopping carts. That’s my two cents’ worth.
Judy Barnett, Corte Madera

>> Homeless in Marin
Thank you for writing about the homeless problem we have in Marin (March). While reading the article, I could only reflect on a situation where over a decade we have made precious few strides toward solutions. I have advocated for affordable housing for 30 years and am still at it. Solutions are indeed in view. All it takes is a collaborative effort with all who work in this field. Currently, I am working on prospects in the Sausalito floating home community and in Marin City,
Theo Posthuma, Tam Valley

Kudos to Marin Magazine for the excellent article on homelessness as well as the POV piece on respecting others while enjoying our glorious open spaces (March). The two really go together. We in Marin are fortunate to have protected open space all around us, yet we can not forget that there is a responsibility that comes with that: the space we have developed must include a variety of people with different needs and financial capacities. We who live in Marin are blessed—and with that blessing comes an obligation to help others.
Joyce Kleiner, Mill Valley


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