Your Letters

Missed Opportunity?

I was very disappointed in your recent vignette about Jan Wahl (Collectors, February) and her hats. She is a fascinating person who is full of knowledge about Hollywood and the film and entertainment industries. She teaches classes at Dominican University and Osher Marin and is a font of knowledge. She is also very funny and entertaining. I thoroughly enjoy her spots on TV on Saturday mornings. Her movie reviews are always right on, as are her predictions for the Academy Awards. Jan is a well-known persona in Marin. Mentioning just her hats in the article was a slight to her and to your readers. There should have been a much more thorough rendering of Jan Wahl in your magazine. She deserves it. We are lucky that she lives here and shares her knowledge and experiences with us. PAMELA LUNSTEAD, NOVATO, VIA EMAIL

A New Lens

The human spirit in Jim Wood’s writing on homelessness comes through to me loud and clear (POV, March). I can feel his concern for people without a home and the largeness of this shameful human tragedy. As “complex and perplexing” as the homeless condition is presently, I believe that homelessness can be solved. What if we changed the lens through which we see homelessness? Just as we have to change the magnification of eyeglass lenses, we need to change the lens through which we think about the issues of life. Lens change enables us to see objects better, to read words more clearly, see road signs better and extend our peripheral sight. Likewise, we need to enlarge our way of solving problems. What if the lens change allowed us to see a home as a basic necessity of life, just as breathing air is? Is it reasonable to separate an individual from breathing air? What kind of a society do we wish to have? Do we really want to spend a large part of our collective lives dancing with the demons brought on by the tragedy of homelessness? What if the lens change allowed us to see that a home is a human right for every individual in a civilized society? What if a lens change would allow us to see that a collective will is needed to build high-speed trains, sewage systems and clean water systems? These systems were not and will not be built by individual effort alone. Therefore beautiful, affordable, green homes can and should be built through our collective will. This is my view. CAROL REYES, VIA EMAIL

Fashion Praise

I absolutely loved the “Bodies in Motion” (March) fashion spread in your spring issue. The outfits were lovely, and the poses were refreshingly original. Two thumbs up to your stylist and everyone else involved in this layout. WENDY DEMEULENAERE, UKIAH, VIA EMAIL

Just picked up the spring fashion issue and it is fabulous. Loved the model-in-motion photographs. The clothes were great; the white background and movement in the pictures are perfect. My favorite is the two-page spread with the model dancing across the pages in four poses. I don’t know how that was done but I think it has just the right look. MBETH IMLERT, VIA EMAIL

Map Me

How about including a cute, colorful, not necessarily precise drawn map that shows all these little Marin towns for people new to the county? Would help orient us in every issue to real estate, restaurants, etc. It’s kind of confusing getting a sense of how they connect to each other. MARCI RONKA, TIBURON, VIA EMAIL

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Your comments may be edited for clarity and brevity. Send letters to Marin Magazine, One Harbor Drive, Suite 208, Sausalito, CA 94965, or email us at [email protected]. Please include the town where you live and a daytime phone number.