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Your Letters

Having Fun

Thank you for the article “Are We Having Fun Yet?” (April). Beyond the issues that you raise, of tantamount importance to me is who the people are who are running these organizations. Are they people I want my child to learn from, look up to and become like? Do they foster the same work ethic, sportsmanship and general sense of fair play over winning, success and financial rewards? After being involved in basketball in the county in the Rec, CYO and AAU arenas, I’ve seen instances where the child’s needs are subsumed to the needs of the owner of the organization or the program’s record. We’ve been lucky to find a great AAU basketball program, however, that matches our family’s values of sportsmanship, respect, responsibility, teamwork and hard work first. It has been a wonderful program for our son. E.P., VIA WEBSITE

Cool Covers

One thing is clear from seeing 10 years of Marin Magazine covers (“Marin at 10,” June): regardless of the theme, the covers with original art are far superior to and more engaging and inspiring than any fashion or real estate promos, and they tell a much more interesting story of our incredible county. Keep ’em coming. KATY KUHN, MILL VALLEY, VIA EMAIL

A Magical Event

Thank you for featuring Elaine Petrocelli and Book Passage, a local treasure, in the May edition (Conversation). I’m sure you didn’t have the room to list Book Passage’s many community contributions, but I wanted to take the opportunity to thank Elaine and the store for hosting an annual poetry reading for the school my son attended from kindergarten through fifth grade. Every year, the store has provided the space and time to host each and every kid in our school who wanted to write and read a poem of his or her own creation. It is a truly magical event and as a parent, I am so grateful to Book Passage for hosting it every year. Local businesses like Elaine’s are what makes Marin an amazing place to live. JANET MYERS, MOTHER OF LUC LEBLANC, VIA EMAIL

No Fund

Jim, since you asked (POV, April) for my point of view, I’ll tell you. I could not disagree more with your “Small Change” view. Two simple reasons the county supervisor slush fund should be eliminated: first, our county government has accumulated massive debts for unfunded pension and health care liabilities, so it shouldn’t be playing Santa Claus with what is, in essence, borrowed money. Second, the Marin Community Foundation is a wonderful, Marin-centric private foundation with $1.5 billion in assets and a professional staff focused on vetting grants for deserving Marin organizations. The supervisors’ fund is a pathetic sideshow by comparison. Kudos to Supervisor Damon Connolly for breaking ranks with the status quo. KEN BROAD, MILL VALLEY, VIA EMAIL

Civic Beauty

Thank you for “exploring the untold story of an iconic Marin building” (“New Details, Old Controversy,” November). It brought back many memories. Reading your quote from Frank Lloyd Wright — saying a good building “is one that makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built” — one may wonder what Wright’s comments might have been if focused on the Buck Center in Novato. CHARLOTTE SCHMID, GREENBRAE, VIA EMAIL


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