Second to buying a home, college costs can be a family’s largest expense. Many families apply for financial aid but get little or no scholarships or grants. Does earning too much income, or owning a home, or having rental property, or own a business eliminate your student’s ability to get free money for college?
All of the above listed items can be shielded or removed from the financial aid calculations if you follow the complicated and arcane rules as written by the Department of Education and our fine Congress people.
Did you know 529 College Saving Plans reduce or eliminate scholarships or grants, and that grandparent owned 529 plans are five times worse? Yet, there are ways for parents and grandparents to save for college and not reduce your student’s financial aid award package. Would you like to know how to save for college and still maximize your student’s ability to receive the maximum amount of scholarships and grants?
College Cash Solutions helps families reduce their college costs. We interview families and help them align their assets and income to fit the Education Codes that maximizes your student’s financial aid package. These college cost reduction strategies work for both public and private schools.
Gary Sipos, the founder of College Cash Solutions, grew up very poor in Phoenix, Arizona, yet he attended a private high school, and three private universities (Stanford, Loyola, and St. Mary’s) and that education cost his parents about $100 per year.
Gary is a nationally-recognized financial educator, author, speaker, financial strategist, Silicon Valley millionaire and entrepreneur.
Gary is a best-selling author of College Cash Solutions, Financial Secrets from Stanford’s Hoover Tower, The 15 Biggest Tax Mistakes Costing Business Owners Millions, and co-author of Masters of Success with Best Selling Author and Legendary Business Trainer, Brian Tracy. He is a Featured Guest on radio and TV, including ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox where Gary shares his unique expertise on how people can keep more of what they earn by reducing their college costs and showing families how to enjoy a tax-free retirement.
Click Here to listen to Gary’s Harvard Business School speech.
Gary and his work have been profiled in publications including The Wall Street Journal, Elite Advisor Magazine, San Francisco Magazine and Marin Magazine.
We have been helping families since 2006 and we look forward to meeting your family at our San Rafael office to see what we can do to reduce your college costs!