When Jesse Roselin, founder of the Bay Area-based company, Tutor Corps, started working with students one-on-one, he recognized that his offering was one which many families could not afford. To ensure that a broad range of students would have access to high quality tutoring services, he started the Tutor Corps Foundation. As of this fall, the Tutor Corps Foundation now regularly supports 15 underserved K-12 students with a full year of one-on-one academic tutoring.
This year, as many students struggle to avoid the “Covid slide,” tutoring has become more than just a supplement to classroom instruction. For students who aren’t engaging with their distance learning programs, tutoring support has become a necessity. In response to this issue, Tutor Corps has committed to providing twice as many tutoring scholarships and three times the number of tutoring hours per student than in previous years.
Roselin started the Foundation in 2004 to level the educational playing field. He remarks: “All students deserve a great education and starting the Tutor Corps Foundation enabled me to create an organization that provides educational opportunities to underserved students.”
In addition to running Tutor Corps and the Tutor Corps Foundation, Jesse and his team also enroll students in Pacific Preparatory, a one-on-one school which offers a full array of accredited K-12 courses. Pacific Preparatory’s Dean of Students, Anna Schell, says, “Having over a decade of experience supporting families with one-on-one private schooling, we’ve been able to support an unprecedented number of families this fall with customized curriculum to re-engage students in learning during this challenging time.”
Hooman Khalili, who contacted Pacific Preparatory for a scholarship for his goddaughter, says he has seen first hand what a difference quality one-on-one support can make in a child’s life. “When my goddaughter Leilany needed to catch up in school, I contacted Pacific Preparatory because of their stellar reputation. Since she started working with them last spring, I’ve watched her flourish academically, proving their reputation to be backed by a true dedication to helping kids gain confidence and re-engage in learning.”
Tutor Corps is currently raising $20,000 to serve 20 students with tutoring scholarships in their next application round. “With the support of our community we can reach our goal of providing exceptional individualized education for all students,” Says CEO, Jesse Roselin. Donating to the Tutor Corps Foundation is especially impactful because Tutor Corps covers all administrative and management costs of the scholarship program so 100% of donations goes directly to providing tutoring services for kids in title 1 schools.
If you are interested in making a donation, please visit www.tutorcorpsfoundation.org/donate. No matter what size gift you choose to make, your participation sends a strong message of support!