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Trying to Make It Real… Compared to What?


We’ve never been here before and we’re all trying to make sense of it. How are we supposed to be with all of “this”? On a deep level, the pandemic has put us in touch with not only our mortality but also our humanity. It has put less distance between people with means and those who don’t. Ultimately, from an absolute level we are all in this together but on a relative level, we are not. Millions have lost their jobs and businesses and the poor suffer greater effects of the COVID-19. The pandemic prompts us to ask deeper questions, focusing our attention on what we are doing with our lives, how we are leading them, to question the “busyness” of our lives. What kind of world will we leave for our children? With all the uncertainty, there are glimpses of humanity and creativity as we ponder these questions. And how can we as architects consider steps to make our practice more meaningful on both a local and global level?



At 361 Architecture, the original tenets of our work are being reaffirmed through this new way of life. We like to engage clients around kinesthetics. How do you feel in spaces that you are drawn to? We explore and tease out tangible reasons why that is the case. Our aim is to continually evolve and push our boundaries for positive changes to our built environments. We will continue to strive to create efficient spaces that are functional and feel good.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help with a design project. We can be found here:

Daniel Weaver, Uli Zinnkann, Luis Garcia.


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