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What Does Your Banking Say About You?

Fossil Free CA

Since 2016, when 189 nations adopted the 2016 Paris Agreement to combat climate change, big banks have poured more than $1.9 trillion into climate-damaging fossil fuels.

Big banks like JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo are leading the world in fossil fuel investment. Do you want to make a difference on climate change and secure a better world for your children and grandchildren?

Join us! Fossil Free California is on a mission to move money out of climate-damaging fossil fuels and speed the transition to a low carbon economy. One of the easiest and most accessible ways to contribute to the green economy starts in our wallets. You can make a difference by divesting your personal banking, credit cards, and investments from fossil fuels.

Move Your Money

Our “Move Your Money” workshop – Tuesday, September 22 at 4:30 p.m., via Zoom – will demonstrate how easy it is to fight climate change by aligning personal money decisions with environmental values.

We will show you how to say no to Big Banks and Big Oil and yes to a better future for ourselves and the planet by moving money into community banks, credit unions, and socially conscious, low-carbon investments better aligned with our values.

As Big Oil continues to decline, “green” investments have experienced rapid growth and strong returns. Do well financially while doing good!

Who We Are

Founded by retired teachers, Fossil Free California is a nonprofit, volunteer-led, grassroots advocacy group with roots in the Bay Area, reaching throughout California.

Broadly speaking, more than $20 billion of teacher and public employee retirement savings are invested in fossil fuels. We petition, march, and make public comments asking the state’s huge pension funds, CalSTRS (for teachers) and CalPERS (for public employees) to divest their fossil fuel holdings.

Our campaigns are not just for retirees. For the past year youth allies from organizations such as Earth Guardians Bay Area Crew, Youth vs Apocalypse, and the Sunrise Movement – have joined us at CalSTRS.

This January youth and elders united in a march from the state Capitol to CalSTRS headquarters in West Sacramento. The youth (some covered in molasses) were pulling an “oil tanker” named the Apocalypse to show the threat that fossil fuels pose to our future. Similar rallies at CalPERS have resulted in more than 50 people signing up to make public comments in favor of divestment.

Call to Action

Our shared hopes for a better future build on the proven benefits of renewable energy and other climate change solutions, and are also motivated by a desire to redress the inequities of the past.

Join us in moving money out of big banks and polluting investments and into financial institutions that believe and invest in a low carbon economy, and a healthier, more prosperous future for all.

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