I’ve been in the field of bodywork all my life. While at university everyone thought I’d be an engineer or a physicist. Instead I came to Marin in my early 20s and became a bio-mechanical engineer… I fix bodies.
When I was a child I untangled the knots in my mother’s skeins of wool. I like to think of bodies as tangled layers of threads pulling this way and that. Most physical pains can be untangled by teasing out the knots and the reasons for the knots and providing my clients with a strategy for retraining their muscles. They are doing their best to hold you up and do what you want your body to do. Someday the work of NeuroMuscular Reprogramming NMR® will find its way into the world of physical therapy, where it belongs. Then everyone will have access to the amazing results we get at Healus.
655 Redwood Hwy, Suite 225, Mill Valley, CA
415.388.9945 l healus.com