Your Letters

Circa Certainty

I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I really enjoy your magazine. The articles are informative and lively, and the photos are terrific. A suggestion: your “Looking Back” page is a real highlight of each issue. However, I notice that the historic photos on this page are always captioned as “circa 1962, circa 1936, circa 1910,” and so forth. In many cases, though, the brief story accompanying the photo specifies the exact year that the photo was taken, so you really wouldn’t use “circa” in those instances. Circa, which means “around,” is used when you are not sure of the exact date and need to give an approximation. In the July issue, for example, the text makes it clear that the photo of the Pullman cars was taken on July 28, 1962, so it really should be captioned as “1962” rather than “circa 1962.” –– BRENT MANN, MILL VALLEY

Thanks and Kudos

I live in Texas and my niece sends me your lovely magazine, which I always look at page by page. I especially enjoyed June’s “Marin Summer” guide, in which I found many interesting articles. It made me want to book the next flight out to come take in all the great places to eat, drink and visit. As president of my local garden club, I was particularly impressed with the great article “Rethinking the Garden” (June 2014). We need all the drought-tolerant plants we can get and these are truly beautiful. Thank you for all the good information and ideas. –– JERE LONGHOFER, TEXAS

As a former 40-year Tiburon resident I look forward monthly to keeping in touch with my beloved county through your magazine. There is a group of some 20 lady Marinites meeting monthly for lunch here in Grass Valley and I am delighted to share my copy with them as all of us still have some roots back in Marin. Some of the ladies’ husbands were formerly active in the businessmen’s breakfast club called “Marvelous Marin,” which met monthly in San Rafael. –– VIRGINIA BRUNINI, GRASS VALLEY

When Marin Magazine was first published I sometimes saved the issues because they were that unique and special. The covers featured a piece of art without any text. I understand you publish for your target reader and audience. Nevertheless, my friends and I are thrilled with this month’s cover (July 2014) featuring Eric Zener’s gorgeous painting. I like to give positive feedback. And today I am happy doing so. This month’s unique magazine cover is a huge step in the right direction. –– SUSAN PETERSON, VIA EMAIL

Congratulations on your excellent magazine. The articles are diverse in content and well written, with beautiful photos to illustrate them. I am delighted to receive my copy. –– HIALA WITT, VIA EMAIL

I just wanted to thank you for Marin Magazine. I enjoy it and it is a very nice magazine. I then pass it on to a customer of mine who just loves it. She reads it from cover to cover. She also told me that she has saved every one that I have given her. Thanks again. –– SHARON COLLINS, VIA EMAIL

Regarding the “Looking Back” page: the last page is the first thing I look for when Marin Magazine arrives. –– JEANNE ZANZI, CORTE MADERA

Whitewater Wisdom

Thank you for the article on whitewater rafting (“Whitewater Adventure,” August 2014). While we were raising our children, our family enjoyed many rafting trips, including the South Fork of the American River. Now our 26-year-old daughter is a whitewater raft guide working for ARTA (American River Touring Association Inc.) on rivers all over the West. An additional benefit of rafting that we value highly is the ability to unplug from our electronic habits — talk instead of text, touch instead of tweet. The river demands that you be fully present. A perfect vacation, in my book. –– JEANNIE LARKINS PERRY, LARKSPUR

Imagination Clarification

Thank you so much for the incredible article on Imagination Park in your August edition (“Editors’ Choice 2014”). I love the picture of the statues. I wanted to let you know the city (town of San Anselmo) was not the recipient of the park as stated in the article. It was donated to the chamber’s charitable foundation, the San Anselmo Community Foundation. –– CONNIE RODGERS, PRESIDENT, SAN ANSELMO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Thank you, Jim Wood, for your insightful interview with Michael Murphy (Conversation, August 2014); it’s one of the best ever in capturing the prescience and imagination of this vital, bright and influential cultural figure. Thank you too for listing my book Knocking on Heaven’s Door, about preserving our end-of-life medical choices, in your “Reading List” column, and for calling it “vital.” One minor correction: although I am a science writer and have written for The New Yorker, I am not a staff science writer there. The book grew out of an article for The New York Times Magazine. –– KATY BUTLER, MILL VALLEY

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