What are you wearing? My black jacket is by Armani, shirt is from the Rodin Collection at Gene Hiller. My watch is by Baume & Mercier, leather wristband, Levi’s jeans lowrise straight 529, belt from Famous For Our Look and finally, suede brown loafers, by Ferragamo.
Where would you wear this outfit? Out to dinner, to a casual party. Pretty much anything Marin dishes up.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? I start the morning slowly, coffee with my wife Liz and our three kids, hot tub (I so thought I would never go there) and the New York Times. When I decide to get ready it takes me about ten minutes max.
Describe your personal style. I like to think of my look as contemporary, original and individual. I definitely prefer jeans to a tux, but that can be fun as well. It’s important to me that I am comfortable in what I’m wearing.
Who are your fashion influences? Johnny Depp!
Favorite designers? Johnny Depp’s designer. No really, I don’t care much about designers but at the risk of sounding cliché when I need to spend money on my clothing it is usually Armani, which always fits effortlessly.
Where do you love to shop in Marin? For my wife, i.e., Mother’s Day, I shop at Allie G, Canvas, M clothing and Mill Valley Mercantile. For my kids, Liz sends me to Swing in Larkspur. I personally shop at Banana Republic, Gene Hiller and Famous For Our Look. There aren’t enough small men’s stores I know of in Marin, so I tend to go into the city as well.
What is always in your pockets? My money clip and cell phone. What else is there?
What is the single most essential piece in your wardrobe? My leather wristband with silver beads that my wife made for me—I never take it off.
What would you never be caught dead in? A Hawaiian shirt, Birkenstocks with socks, and pleated pants, even if they are coming back.
What do you splurge on? Food, wine, bikes, skis. I also love watches but I really try to restrain myself.
What is your best cheapo secret? Proof Lab in Tam Junction for one, the Stinson Beach Surf Shop behind the post office, also a little hole-in-the-wall family-run store in the Northgate shopping mall across from the Gap.
What’s your fashion pet peeve? See above.
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought? Besides my mountain bike? Probably my wife’s engagement ring in Zurich 20 years ago.
Did it make you happy? Which one?
If your life were a movie, what would be your theme song? There would be several themes, not sure what order they would be playing either: War of Man by Neil Young, Where Are You Going? by Dave Matthews Band, and Mea Culpa by Enigma.PPh