A Look Back in the Archives: Fall Fashion Featuring Model of the Year Alex Consani

2025 update: congrats to Alex Consani, featured in this 2019 photoshoot, on her win as 2025 Model of the Year at the Fashion Awards, the first transgender model to win this honor!

Layer up for fall with dresses, jumpsuits, longline coats and must-have gold accessories.

Renee dress by Dodo Bar Or, $695 at Abbot Kinney

Renee dress by Dodo Bar Or, $695 at Abbot Kinney (San Rafael) abbotkinneymarin.com; black cashmere
duster with raccoon trim by Aspen True, $585 at La Belle Fifi (Corte Madera) labellefifi.com; Kiss ring by Ashley Morgan, $4,000 at Hutchinson Jewelry (Larkspur) ashleymorgandesigns.com.

Printed pleated blouse, $498; printed pleated skirt, $498, both by Tory Burch
Printed pleated blouse, $498; printed pleated skirt, $498, both by Tory Burch at Tory Burch (S.F.); The Blanket coat in peacock by J’Amy Tarr, $698 at J’Amy Tarr (Mill Valley); Plastique belt bag, Amelie Collection, $750 at April in Paris (S.F.)
Oversize Shaker sweater, $995; man pant, $795, both by TSE at TSE (S.F.) tsecashmere.com.
Pleated lamé dress, $995; reversible poncho, $1,195, both by TSE at TSE

First image: Oversize Shaker sweater, $995; man pant, $795, both by TSE at TSE (S.F.) tsecashmere.com.

Second image: Pleated lamé dress, $995; reversible poncho, $1,195, both by TSE at TSE (S.F.) tsecashmere.com; Madison Mary-Jane pumps by Tory Burch, $498 at Tory Burch (S.F.) toryburch.com; Paglia bracelet by Marchisio 1859, $36,000 at Moonstruck Fine Jewelry (Mill Valley) moonstruckfinejewelry.com.

Gretchen dress by Ella Lafay, $148 at A-List Attire
Gretchen dress by Ella Lafay, $148 at A-List Attire (Tiburon) 415.870.0339; Emerald kimono jacket by J’Amy Tarr, $398 at J’Amy Tarr (Mill Valley); Cherish bootie by Ron White, $545 at Shoe Stories of Sausalito (Sausalito); fIligree cuff by Julie Tuton, $298 at Julie Tuton (Mill Valley).

It’s all in the Details

Tie tank in marigold, $220; pleated pant in marigold, $399, both at Très Nomad by Très Nomad (Sausalito)

 Tie tank in marigold, $220; pleated pant in marigold, $399, both at Très Nomad by Très Nomad (Sausalito); sapphire capelet by J’Amy Tarr, $279 at J’Amy Tarr (Mill Valley); Lynne hoop earrings by Kendra Scott, $78 at Kendra Scott (Walnut Creek); glasses by Yuichi Toyama, call for pricing, at Rims & Goggles (Mill Valley).

My Coat by Forte Forte, $1,092 at Tamarind
My Coat by Forte Forte, $1,092 at Tamarind (Sebastopol).


Millicent dress by Lesley Evers
Floral silk blouse by Lavender Brown,

First photo: Millicent dress by Lesley Evers, $218 at Lesley Evers (Corte Madera) lesleyevers.com; hunter green cashmere cape with fox trim, $465 at La Belle Fifi (Corte Madera) labellefifi.com; Rhumba boot by
Aquatalia, $695 at Shoe Stories of Sausalito (Sausalito) shoestoriesofsausalito.com; Lynne hoop earrings by Kendra Scott, $78 at Kendra Scott (Walnut Creek) kendrascott.com.

Second photo: Floral silk blouse by Lavender Brown, $175 at Klozet (Sausalito) shopklozet.com; Plisse skirt by Margaret O’Leary, $180 at Margaret O’Leary (Mill Valley) margaretoleary.com; The Cape in cabernet by J’Amy Tarr, $498 at J’Amy Tarr (Mill Valley) jamytarr.com; gold spear earrings by Julie Tuton, $1,800 at Julie Tuton (Mill Valley) julietuton.com; 18k gold hammered cuff by Ashley Morgan, $9,700 at Hutchinson Jewelry (Larkspur)

Marin Magazine 2019

Floral silk blouse by Lavender Brown, $175 at Klozet (Sausalito); Plisse skirt by Margaret O’Leary, $180 at Margaret O’Leary (Mill Valley); The Cape in cabernet by J’Amy Tarr, $498 at J’Amy Tarr (Mill Valley); gold spear earrings by Julie Tuton, $1,800 at Julie Tuton (Mill Valley); 18k gold hammered cuff by Ashley Morgan, $9,700 at Hutchinson Jewelry (Larkspur).

Behind the Scenes

Assistant: Kasia Pawlowksa

Hair & Makeup: Sophia Simoneaux, Painted Ladies

Model: Alex Consani, Look Model Agency

Location: Sausalito

Sausalito fashion
Sophia Simoneaux and Alex Consani.
Left to Right: Shannon Rosan, Alex Consani, Kasia Pawlowska, Leah Bronson and Rachel Griffiths.
Milan and Shannon Rosan.


Sausalito fashion
Milan and Shannon Rosan, Leah Bronson, Rachel Griffiths, Kasia Pawlowska