Readers Respond

I want to let you know that I am grateful to Marin Magazine for your feature on the company AngelPoints. I am most impressed by its mission of creating a culture of social responsibility at corporations around the world and being the leading provider of in-demand CSR solutions. It is much-needed and I do believe in technology servicing the best practices in the sustainability world. Measurement is a key component of assessing results and making improvement. I salute this company’ work.
Maryline Lewett, via e-mail

Jim Wood’s Point of View editorial (“Marin’s Next Stage,” April) resonated with us. Like those he interviewed, we’ve spent 48 years in Marin striving to create community and enhance the public realm. In Mill Valley, this has meant improving streets, schools, and City Hall, as well as helping create the plaza and promoting social interactions. We feel today’s greatest problems stem from the lack of communication among Marin County’s citizens.

We miss the opportunity to come together as a county community to share visions and dreams. Too often, the only gatherings are confrontational and on single issues that pits neighbor against neighbor. While our natural beauty is important, it is all around us. Consideration should also be given to human needs. As a way of helping create a Marin County “community,” we enjoy Tiburon’s Friday night street party, the Mill Valley Art Festival and its Art Walks, Sausalito’s Jazz-by-the-Bay, San Rafael’s Thursday evening farmers market and many other events we hear about in Marin. For years, we’ve done what we can to develop a sense of community in Marin. To this end, our architectural office, Dovetail Sustainable Community Design, has even envisioned a new community that would further many of today’s goals and be a great model for the future. We ask, and hope, that others will join us.
Dart and Esther Cherk, Mill Valley

Thank you for your recent articles on the “greening” of Marin. Did you ever consider using soy-based ink in your magazine? As it is, I have to put it outside for a week to offgas before I can get close enough to read it. I’d love to see you align your actions with the values you champion.
Sabine Miller, San Anselmo

Editors note: Thanks for the good suggestion. We are making progress. As of the March 2007 issue, Marin Magazine is printing on 30 percent post-consumer waste paper from sustainable forests. This is something we have wanted to do for a long time and we are now doing it. It’s good to hear you are reading Marin in spite of the ink. As awareness grows and new products and technologies emerge, we will continue to look for opportunities to produce an even more environmentally friendly product.

I grew up in the city and Marin in the late sixties/early seventies, and when I moved here six years ago, things had changed so much! I love your magazine, its production values and the ways in which it seeks to make ours more than just a culture of SUVs, kitchen remodels and pedicures. (I formed my nonprofit, Bay Area Cabaret, formerly Cabaret Marin, four years ago out of the same desire.)
Marilyn Levinson, via e-mail

Letters to the editor may be edited for clarity and brevity. Send letters to Marin Magazine, One Harbor Drive, Suite 208, Sausalito, CA 94965. Or e-mail to [email protected].

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