Readers Respond

Thank you for your article about whether the MMWD should use Roundup in our watershed. Previous EPA Roundup testing occurred in 1993, when its use was certified. Since then other, non-EPA research has raised new questions about its possible toxicities. In response to those concerns, the EPA is launching a $10 million study of possible endocrine-disrupting toxic effects of several pesticides, including Roundup. Endocrine disruptors are so named, because they affect hormones levels, including testosterone, and estrogen. Excess testosterone stimulates prostate cancer, and excess estrogen stimulates breast cancer. These are serious matters.
William Rothman, M.D.

Excellent article in August issue. I most heartily agree with your position about the controlled use of glyphosate (Roundup) for the removal of French and Scotch broom.
Marv Levinson, Greenbrae

As someone who grew up here and now mountain bikes on Tam’s trails, I am conscious of the tenacious broom plants. The idea of using Roundup to help curb the spread of broom seems counter to our having healthy drinking water from Mount Tam’s watershed. Some time ago, I made a vow to myself that each time I was on the mountain I would take a moment to pull some broom. Why don’t we start a campaign to “Make A Vow.” With all the hikers, bikers and mountain play attendees, surely we could make a difference and not take the pesticide route.
Jeanne Imai, Ross

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