MM: How did you and Bret meet, and how did the conversation about this book begin? KO: Bret and I met through a dear mutual friend of ours. I’m a children’s book author and illustrator, and Bret mentioned that he had always wanted to do a children’s book. Months later, when we discovered he had pancreatic cancer, I remembered his wish. I kept thinking about it, and not long after, I went over to his house and asked Bret if he wanted to collaborate on a picture for his children, Noah (who was 9 at the time) and Sofie (7). The book grew out of that.
MM: How was the art conceptualized and created? KO: Bret told me that every day he would take his children’s hands in his and ask, “What will your beautiful hands do today?” The question sparked the realization that little hands can do so many wonderful things. I realized too there could be a wordplay between the tangible and the intangible, and that this concept could be introduced to children in the illustrations as well. While kids can contribute their physical painted handprints, there is this sudden understanding that their hands could make something even more.
MM: Whose hands were used? KO: The handprints in the illustrations belong to Bret’s family — Noah, Sofie, his wife Deborah’s, his own, and mine. The rainbow at the end of the book shows the handprints of over 100 dear family members and friends.
MM: What do you hope children (and adults) take away from Beautiful Hands? KO: This book is symbolic; it’s about the vision. It’s a call to action to reach high, and to use our hands to do something positive, loving and inspirational for each other, our families and our community. I like how Bret said it best: “My hope is that this story empowers love, creativity, compassion, and a connection to you and yours, in the fulfilling and remarkable way it has for me.”
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