Hello neighbors, look around, we’ve got some long awaited elbow room. There’s parking in the downtowns, there’s no line at your favorite coffee, burrito, pizza or sushi spot (unless you are in Sausalito, where you’ll hear a cacophony of international conversations and accents). And best of all school traffic is a vague irritating memory, as are the countless hours of contemplating how our towns can better regulate school hours so those throngs of well meaning parents can drive their kids to the curb. July in Marin is paradise.
In this issue we celebrate our county’s continual top spot as the healthiest of California’s 58 counties (according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Part of this rating includes longevity, the average lifespan of 85.2 years. Average, as in many live way longer. Why? Many point to the access to the thousands of acres of open space offering hundreds of trails, bike paths and miles of coastline to explore. In fact, we are so blessed with greenery, when I first heard the term “forest bathing,” I thought it was a joke. Here in Marin, we don’t have to pay for someone to lead us into nature, we are surrounded by it. We also have access to excellent health care, as you can see in our article on Optimal Living. Contributor, Lotus Abrams interviewed local experts as well as a few sprightly seniors on the hows and whys of living into our 80s, 90s and beyond in optimal health. Key points I picked up include, daily walks (with a dog if possible), collagen, a positive mindset – smile at your reflection in the mirror. It’s proven that positive feedback loops (we become what we see) are critical to well-being.

Another activity that has been documented to contribute to our health is travel; whether it’s around the globe or just up the road, the act of exploring is good for the mind, body and soul. I really enjoyed reading Marin resident’s Dean Karnazas’ love letter to Greece and why he’s now started a business leading running vacations in his home country. In our feature well, we’re presenting a handful of nearby vetted getaways, including Safari West, where a baby rhino named Otto Lang is guaranteed to make you smile. The week Otto was born, Jess Hamilton and I were lucky to get an invitation to meet the little tank and bring mom some carrots. In case you ever have the same opportunity, rhinos would prefer long grasses not carrots. For those who want to stay in the zip code, we have compiled decades of content highlighting our unique and beautiful towns on our website, and can be found under the Cities and Towns on the top navigation bar.
We often hear that our history articles are your favorites, while Jim Wood’s monthly Looking Back article focuses on the Richardson Bay Bridge (photo is amazing), this month we went a little deeper with architectural writer Mark Wilson who has taken a deep dive into San Rafael’s Gerstle Park’s first homes and their residents. This neighborhood is famously known for the annual Porchfest event, in September, where hundreds gather to enjoy free music being played on the porches and neighborly vibes. Mark your calendar for this year, September 17th, 12-5pm. We learn from you each month when you send feedback and ideas, and this is no exception, please let us know what you like to do best here in July, tag us on social media or send a note to [email protected].