Although we couldn’t fit every fashionable Marinite in the print version of our editors’ choice awards, we had to give a nod to these other perfectly-put-together citizens. Belvedere’s Barbara Brookins Schneider (pictured left), who is a fixture on the ballet/symphony/opera scene, is a proud patron of the arts and always dressed to perfection. Larkspur school district volunteer Jennifer Newbury, who M Clothing owner Marty Murphy doesn’t hesitate to name as one of her boutique’s most stylish clients. When Newbury isn’t headed for the slopes with her kids on winter weekends, she also shops at other local boutiques like Mill Valley’s the Store and Margaret O’Leary. You can’t miss Donna and Chuck Huggins (pitcured below), the two local philanthropists are a fixture at events like the annual WildCare gala. Chuck, who was president and CEO of See’s Candies for over 50 years, and wife Donna are always dressed in festive and thematically appropriate attire, from the peacock plumes in their hats to the cotton replica possums adorning Chuck’s suit-jacket pockets.