MARIN IS PRIMED for art of all kinds — an air of creativity breezes around breathtaking landscapes of all sorts, many of which have played host to visionaries throughout history. It’s no wonder, then, that plein air painting has found an enthusiastic audience in the county. The French expression en plein air translates to “in the open air” and refers to the act of painting outdoors, an act for which many local vistas are ideal. And who better to guide artists in their pursuit of alfresco brushstrokes than the Marin Open Studios plein air group? The artistic collective was founded in partnership with Marin County Parks and Open Space in 2012 to promote awareness of and invite talented residents to pay homage to our natural surroundings. Now the group, which includes around 60 members of all skill levels, meets every other month for a full day of outdoor art. “I am so excited by the camaraderie the group offers,” says participant Carol Myer. “It is invigorating to my work to meet other artists while exploring these diverse, and sometimes hidden, landscapes.” Interested? The plein air group will meet on June 6, August 29 and October 10 of this year. If you consider yourself more of a devotee than an artiste, take Marin Open Studios’ annual self-guided art tour, held the first two weekends of this month.
Take it Outside