Even though it has been around for centuries, acupuncture is a new territory for a lot of people. Demystifying the procedure, and helping people understand that not only does it work, Modern Acupuncture goes way beyond traditional acupuncture and will revolutionize the way we see and pursue pain, stress and beauty treatment in a beautiful and spa-like environment. Acupuncture is proven to help those suffering from chronic pain, stress, diabetes, insomnia and many other conditions that can negatively affect your ability to live life to its fullest. There have even been examples of acupuncture making cancer treatments more effective.
This type of care should be available in a much more accessible manner – and now it is. Our licensed acupuncturists are trained to guide you through each treatment to ensure your peace of mind.
405 Corte Madera Town Center
Corte Madera, CA