The holidays are about home, heart and spirit—and this issue touches on each. In Home, P. J. Bremier celebrates “A Carriage House Christmas” at the lovely San Rafael home of interior designer Barbara Lavelle and her husband, Jim, whose yuletide tradition includes Christmas Eve chili and a Chevy Chase movie. In FYI People, “Marin Gives!” presents the stories of 13 local people whose generous hearts make Marin a better place for all. And, FYI Music, “Ring in the Holidays,” embraces the spirit of a classical—music, that is—Christmas.
The holiday season is also about snow—even here in Marin. In Journey, “Polé Polé,” Muir Beach resident Joanie Wynn takes us with her to the snows of Kilimanjaro, a Tanzanian trek that is as much about heart as it is about hoofing it. Here in California, Dawn Margolis put together a GO, “Tahoe Evolves,” that reports on the makeover of Tahoe skiing and resorts.
You might think we’re stretching if we make a holiday connection with our Think feature, “Boxes on the Bay,” a story about container shipping on San Francisco Bay, but it’s quite likely that many of the gifts given and received this season made their way into Northern California aboard one of these giant seagoing warehouses. Tim Porter provides the pictures.
Also in this issue, we debut a new department, “What’s It Like,” a compendium of first-person accounts by ordinary local people who have done extraordinary things (such as playing tennis with Andre Agassi); Conversation talks with longtime CBS News reporter John Blackstone, a resident of Mill Valley; Marinterview questions actor Patty Duke, who’s living in Greenbrae while performing in Wicked in San Francisco; and FYI Community catches up with the transformation of Northgate.
As always, our wish is for your good reading. Enjoy Marin Magazine, as we continue to celebrate this extraordinary place!
Lisa Shanower, Publisher
Nikki Wood, Editorial Director
Jim Wood, Executive Editor