What does “mindfulness” or being mindful mean? Quite simply, the opposite of being “mindless.” It means paying attention, being aware and intentional. Mindfulness is noticing the little moments in ordinary life, appreciating who you are and what you have. Mainstream medicine, psychology, health care systems, even businesses have adopted and benefited from mindfulness programs. Needless to say, much has been written about it. Go beyond fear, anxiety, nagging self doubt and the feeling of constant overwhelm with the help of one of these books, written by local authors.
Today I Noticed
A Little Book of Mindfulness That Will Change the Very Way You See The World
By Willow Older & Deborah Huber

A little gem of a book with sparse text, one-line suggestions, and simple illustrations that encourage creative mindfulness. As these Bay Area authors demonstrate, “noticing” is a totally natural act; no special skills required. A great intro in mindfulness.
Practicing Mindfulness
75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health & Find Peace in The Everyday
By Matthew Sockolov

For a deeper dive, this Petaluma-based, meditation, Spirit Rock leader offers an overview of practical mindfulness exercises, how to bring mindful awareness to your everyday activities with techniques and tools to mitigate life’s daily frustrations. A basic, step-by-step-by step, user-friendly guide.
A Field Guide to Nature Meditation
52 Mindfulness Practices for Joy, Wisdom & Wonder
By Mark Coleman

The author — a local meditation teacher and wilderness guide — offers mindfulness practices that deepen our awareness of the natural world, which help bring clarity and focus to daily life. With all the natural wonder Marin offers, what better opportunity to improve our mindfulness?
Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader
Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen
By Marc Lesser

Now for bringing mindfulness to the business world! This Mill Valley author, CEO and Zen Center guru, developed the world-renowned “Search Inside Yourself” program at Google — mindfulness-based emotional intelligence training that has spread worldwide from Silicon Valley. A lifetime of mindfulness and business experience shared in each chapter.