MM: You have a law practice in Novato and were once mayor of Tiburon — impressive resume. Is this your first stab at writing? PL: As a civil litigator, I’m writing all the time in the guise of legal briefs. So it’s a different kind of writing, but writing nonetheless. I also started birding at a very young age and have had a number of essays on the topic published in the past. But I never thought about writing a book. And before I discovered that longforgotten news article, I thought everything there was to say about John James Audubon had been said.
MM: What news article? PL: I found a clipping from The San Francisco Call — an old city newspaper — from 1896 in a scrapbook kept by the Audubon family. It recounted the memories of a man named Joseph Coolidge who, at 18 years old, had journeyed with Audubon to Labrador in Canada in the summer of 1833. This was a critical time period in Audubon’s life: he was in the middle of the production of The Birds of America, his magnum opus, and he was recovering from a stroke. I’ve been interested in Audubon for most of my life, and Audubon is pretty much the patron saint of bird-watchers. So I had heard about the Labrador expedition but had never heard any of these stories.
MM: What was your biggest takeaway from researching this portion of Audubon’s life? PL: The expedition taught him more about himself than I think any other journey into the wilds had. He began to recognize that he was facing the end of his life and he had this massive publication to finish. After his stroke, he needed this return to wilderness in order to recover from the trauma. And, lastly, he began to understand, based on what he observed in Labrador, that mankind had the ability — even at that rather early stage in our [modern] history — to completely wipe out species of wildlife. So he returned as a nascent conservationist.
Local Page Turners

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