Sausalito Film Series Launches 2016 Season with "(Dis)Honesty" Film

The Sausalito Film Series, now in its 8th season, will host its first film event of 2016 on Sunday, May 15th in the Callippee Ballroom at Cavallo Point (601 Murray Circle, Fort Baker, Sausalito). (Dis)Honesty – the Truth About Lies is a documentary feature film that explores how and why people lie. Moderated by best-selling author and behavioral scientist Dan Ariely, the film is based on behavioral experiments that measure our propensity to lie –– sometimes even unknowingly.

From plagiarism, to infidelity, to financial fraud and test-score and tax scandals, dishonesty seems prevalent in our world today; it is certainly a ubiquitous part of the daily news. It’s not just elected officials, CEOs and investment bankers we hear about who lie, however. According to the experts, everyone lies at some level, at some point in their life. For instance (since it’s April 15th), what exactly did you tell the IRS this year? Apparently it’s human nature; but while some little fibs and “white lies” may be innocent and unintentional, some can escalate into large-scale problems with major implications for society as a whole.

Research indicates that while we don’t really understand the causes and complexities of dishonesty, that reminding people about morality can make them behave better and lie less. Just one good reason to see this film. Besides, what could be more apropos in an election year?

The event, which is once again graciously sponsored by Cavallo Point, and co-hosted by Roco Films, begins at 5 p.m. with a hosted wine and beer reception brought to you by Stella Artois and Thirty Seven Wines. At 6 p.m. there will be a Q&A discussion with the film director, Yael Melamede, who is flying in from New York for the program followed by the film at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $25.

For more information and tickets go to