It’s time to celebrate the silvery little fish that come to Richardson Bay every year! It’s herring season, and schools of these slippery critters are swirling just off-shore in Sausalito, helping to sustain one of the last commercial fisheries in the San Francisco Bay.
The local seals and sea lions know all about it, but you will too if you go to the annual Sausalito Herring Festival, Sunday, January 25, 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Gabrielson Park, Sausalito (if it rains head to the Bay Model). The festival will offer tasty foods (including herring delicacies), free live music, and activities for children. Environmental and historical groups will be on site to discuss the fishery, the boats and the important role the herring play in our ecosystem.
Access to the event is free. All proceeds from food and beverage sales support the Sausalito Community Boating Center at Cass Gidley Marina – a non-profit organization established to create affordable access to boats and the water, as well as to preserve Sausalito’s maritime history through education, while promoting stewardship of the local bay ecosystem.
For more information: cassgidley.org