Sausalito Ballot Measure to Preserve Parks – Vote Yes

On November 3rd, Sausalito residents will vote on Measure F, an important initiative on this year’s ballot that will finally provide the city with an opportunity to repair its aging parks that have been sorely neglected for decades. Measure F ensures a cost-effective way to restore four of Sausalito’s landmark parks that are in dire need of repair, one of which (MLK) actually generates significant income for the City – income which could be at risk if the deferred maintenance is not addressed.

Measure F allows the city to secure a loan to fund these essential park repairs using income from city rental property to secure and pay back the loan. It is a very standard and safe financing method used by many municipalities to fund large capital campaigns. And most importantly, it will not cost taxpayers a dime. There are no new taxes associated with the initiative.

The opposition argues that there are alternative funding sources for these park improvements, but there are not, which is why the park repair has been delayed as long as it has. The opposition suggests a “pay as you go” scheme that in fact is more of a “delay as you go” proposal that would cost the city significantly more money in the long run due to rising costs over time and its inefficiency; it would delay much-needed repairs for 5-10 years.

There are in fact no other funding sources for these infrastructure reinvestments – the operating budget cannot fund major capital investments and Measure O revenues must be used on storm drain, street and sidewalk repairs mandated by the ADA and EPA. Measure F is the most cost-effective and efficient – as well as inherently safe and secure – funding mechanism for these capital improvements.

Opponents also allege that the city is financially mismanaged. In fact, the City of Sausalito has won many recent awards for transparency, oversight/governance procedures and budgeting and this funding proposal (Measure F) for park repair is yet another demonstration of this diligence – it is a stellar example of cost-effective infrastructure reinvestment with no tax consequences. Standard and Poors has already analyzed Measure F and given the financing plan an “AA” (very strong) rating.

It is a shame that the opposition in this small community is compelled to propagate misinformation and utilize scare tactics. They have even resorted to taking down the “YES on Measure F” signs posted throughout town; truly a disgraceful tactic that shuns the notion of democracy. I believe everyone is entitled to their own point of view, but they are not entitled to make up their own data to support it or commit illegal acts.

I am happy to see that our newest and youngest residents – the young parents in Sausalito – have rallied support for this measure. They are our new demographic in town. Never before have there been so many children, strollers and young people in general on the streets of Sausalito.  This younger residential population is due in large part to our vastly improved school district with Willow Creek Academy and the Lycee Francais. These young residents are our future; they are anxious to build that future with good parks and I am delighted that they are actively involved in the campaign.

To learn the facts about Measure F (not the myth) visit

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