Womb-mates Mary Corpening Barber and Sara Corpening Whiteford of Corte Madera have shared many things in life, including a passion for food. Together these identical twins have worked as caterers (Thymes Two catering), written cookbooks (eight and counting) and enjoy the art of entertaining their own families. “Our parents loved great food and were avid entertainers,” Mary recalls, “Observing them having so much fun around the dinner table, I’m sure had an influence on what we wanted to do with our lives.” Today, due to the demands of their own young children (Sara has 3 boys, Mary 3 girls) the twins are no longer in the catering business, but instead spend their time as authors, bloggers and food fanatics who are devoted to cooking fresh and healthy food for their families. Their latest book, Super Charged Smoothies, published by Chronicle Books is packed with easy (let’s assume) recipes, just in time for bikini season.
When did you realize you could cook as a career? We realized we could cook as a business at our first catering job for our dear friend who runs Invisible Chef Catering. We figured, if she can do it, we can too.
Do you have non-dairy smoothie recipes in the book? Sure—with over 60 recipes, we have just about every sort of smoothie you can imagine.
Do you have a favorite smoothie flavor? We are both into green smoothies. Mary’s current favorite includes apple juice, a handful of fresh mint, parsley, lemon, apple and cucumber. Sara’s is a combo of carrot juice (diluted with some water), strawberries, ½ of a ripe banana, 2 handfuls of spinach and a cup of chia gel.
Goji Greatness
Goji berries may look like shriveled red raisins and taste a tad seedy on their own, but blended in this smoothie, the little berries transform into goji greatness. Used for some six thousand years by herbalists in China, Tibet, and India, this dried berry is loaded with antioxidants. Truly a wonder fruit, goji berries are thought to improve eyesight, protect the liver, promote longevity, and boost the immune system. Om, meet yum!
1 cup goji juice or apple juice
1 3/4 cups frozen strawberries
1/2 cup passion-fruit sorbet
2 tbsp goji berries
Combine the goji juice, strawberries, and sorbet in a blender. Blend until smooth. Add the goji berries and pulse until well incorporated.
Makes about 2 1/2 cups; serves 2.