Marin On Call

Two doctors wearing white lab coats and stethoscopes around their necks pose for a photo against a gray background. The doctor on the left, Marin, has glasses and a tie, while the bald doctor on the right is smiling. Both appear ready for their next "On Call" duty.

Remember sweet ol’ Dr. Vance, who came to the Waltons’ country home every time Ma, Pa or one of the eight kids had a bellyache, broken arm or brain tumor? These days seeing a doctor involves months of waiting for an appointment, endless insurance hassles and if, you’re lucky, five minutes of face time. Jordan Shlain, M.D., a Tam High grad, made a house call for an elderly patient one day and decided that this unhurried, comprehensive mode of care was more aligned with his instincts as a doctor, so he founded Marin On Call Medical Group.

This pioneering practice will send a physician to your home within an hour of being called. The docs travel with a full first-aid pack, medicines and Internet access to check for potential drug interactions or conflicts. They can also call in an X-ray technician if necessary. “While on one level we are reviving the tradition of doctors making house calls,” says Shlain, “we are actually redefining the way doctors and patients interact and work together, literally changing the way in which health care is delivered.” They don’t take insurance but will help you with the paperwork to get reimbursed; as Shlain puts it, “we work alongside insurance companies, not for them.” Fees are usually about $250 per visit; for more information go to