Wildfire Safety and Alerts

Marin County wildfire safety and alerts

“Most times when we lose houses in fire sieges, it’s from ember showers — it isn’t from a fire front,” says Marin County Fire Chief Jason Weber. Residents can help first responders gain access during a wildfire by using proper vegetation management, maintaining defensible space around homes and keeping driveways and roads clear, but that message isn’t reaching everyone.

Therefore, fire agencies are looking to create a countywide wildfire prevention program. The county is urging residents to register their contact information with the Alert Marin notification system, overseen by the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services. Marin remains vulnerable to fast-moving wildfires as its nature-loving population likes to live near open spaces. Learn more about fire safety and emergency kits on the FIRESafe Marin and Ready Marin websites. Doing so could help prevent or mitigate the impact of conflagrations like the Mount Vision Fire. Here are the stats on that wildfire, which was Marin’s worst in the past quarter century.


Stats on the Mount Vision Fire:

Stats on Mount Vision Fire